『イスタンブール・マンボ』(1977年10月25日)では無国籍な要素を取り入れ、モダンなポップさが全面に出た『ヌーベル・バーグ』(1978年)では早くもニューウェイヴへ接近。『MODERN MUSIC』(1979年)ではニューウェイヴ化に拍車がかかり、『カメラ=万年筆』(1980年)では「架空の映画のサウンドトラック」をテーマにニューウェイヴの解体/再構築のアプローチを過激に実践。時代の最先端を切り開く姿勢は、さらに加速していく。クラウンからジャパン・レコードに移籍し、数々の実験的方法を駆使して『マニア・マニエラ』(1982年)を完成させる。しかし先鋭過ぎる内容にレコード会社が難色を示したため、自ら発売を延期することを決める。そして間髪入れずに制作した『青空百景』(1982年)では「アヴァンギャルドの向こうの青空」に突きぬけ、ポスト・パンクの過激さを反転させたポップさを日本でいちはやく提示したのであった。
レコード会社をRVC/ディア・ハートに移籍しての『アマチュア・アカデミー』(1984年)では、デジタルと肉体が融合したサウンドと記号的タイトルでムーンライダーズ流のポスト・モダンな世界を展開。同年に新設されたMIDIへ移籍するも、作品を発表しないままポニーキャニオンへ移籍。高橋幸宏と共にT.E.N.Tレーベルを設立し、『アニマル・インデックス』 (1985年)、『DON’T TRUST OVER THIRTY』(1986年)と精力的に作品を発表するが、デビュー10周年を締めくくると同時に長い活動休止状態に突入していく。
その後、各メンバーはソロ、楽曲提供、プロデュースなど、それぞれの活動を多面的に行うが、90年代に入って再集結。1991年に東芝EMIより『最後の晩餐』で完全復活を果たす。メロディの美しさを際立たせた『A.O.R.』(1992年)リリース後はさらなる新天地を求め、ファンハウスに移籍。「回想モード」と称してカバー集 『Beautiful Young Generation HIGH SCHOOL BASEMENT 1』、 レゲエ・アレンジのセルフ・カバー集『Le Cafe de la Plage』 (共に1995年)と立て続けにリリースするが、阪神淡路大震災、オウム事件など世の中が不穏な空気に包まれていた1995年6月、武川雅寛がハイジャック事件に巻き込まれてしまう。そのため、『ムーンライダーズの夜』(1995年)は時代の空気が反映されたヘヴィな作品となる。
デビュー20周年にあたる1996年には、多彩なゲストを迎えた『Bizarre Music For You』を制作。20周年記念ライブも盛大に開催する。
1998年、キューン移籍作となる『月面讃歌』では、ベーシックトラックを多種多様な若手アーティストへー任。自由にアレンジしてもらう斬新な方法で、「バンドの意味」を問いかけた。そして2000年、各メンバーの宅録集となったのが『Six musicians on their way to the last exit』。個人作業の集積による「これからのバンドの在り方」を問いかけつつ、20世紀を締めくくったのであった。
2001年にドリームマシーンからリリースした『Dire morons TRIBUNE』では、バンドとしての唯一無比の個性と存在感を見せつけたのに続いて、2004年には自分たちの自主レーベル、Moonriders Recordsを設立。『P.W Babies Paperback 』 (2005年)、『MOON OVER the ROSEBUD 』 (2006年)、『Tokyo7』(2009年)とコンスタントにリリースを重ねていく。傍からは順調に見えたものの、ここで誰も予想していなかったことが起こる。
2022年には11年ぶりのアルバム『It’s the moooonriders』をリリース。さまざまな障壁を乗り越え、今なお進化し続けるバンドの姿を見せつけた。2023年2月には岡田徹が他界。生前の即興セッションを収録したアルバム『Happenings Nine Months Time Ago in June 2022』が2023年3月にリリースされた。デビュー50周年を目前に控えた今もなお、精力的に活動中。

The history of the Moonriders begins with its predecessor band, Honey Pai. Hachimitsu Pai started out as a backing band for Morio Agata after a historic encounter between Morio Agata and Keiichi Suzuki in March 1970. Together with Happiendo, they pioneered Japanese rock music with a unique Japanese sensibility. The band broke up, leaving behind the album “Sentimental Street” (1973) and the single “Kimi to Tabi Bag” (1974). In addition to former members Keiichi Suzuki, Toru Okada, Masahiro Takekawa, and Tetsuro Kashibuchi, the Moonriders were formed in 1975 with new support members Kazuo Shiina and Hirofumi Suzuki, Keiichi’s younger brother. In order to stabilize the economic foundation of the band’s activities, they began backing Agnes Chan. In between these activities, Keiichi Suzuki began working on his solo album, “Fireball Boy,” which was released on January 25, 1976 under the name “Keiichi Suzuki and the Moonriders. The following year, in 1977, he released his first original album “Moon Riders” under the name “Moon Riders. The band’s sound began to change from its previous American orientation to a more European one. The change in direction also affected the members’ relationships, and guitarist Kazuo Shiina left the band after a live performance on March 24, 1977. Yoshiaki Shirai, a member of Hot Landing, joined the band as a new guitarist. The band, now an iron-clad lineup, continued to consistently release new albums, changing their sound at a dizzying pace. Istanbul Mambo" (October 25, 1977) introduced a stateless element, while "Nouvelle Vague" (1978), with its full-frontal modern pop style, already brought them closer to new wave. The new wave approach was spurred on by "Modern Music" (1979), and "Camera = Fountain Pen" (1980), with its theme of "soundtracks for fictional movies," was a radical deconstruction/reconstruction of the new wave approach. His attitude of cutting through the cutting edge of the times was further accelerated. He moved from Crown to Japan Records and completed "Mania Mineira" (1982), making use of a number of experimental methods. However, the record company was reluctant to release the album because of its too radical content, so he decided to postpone its release. The album "Hyakkei Aozora Hyakkei" (1982), which was produced without a moment's delay, broke through into the "blue sky beyond the avant-garde," and was the first to present a pop style in Japan that reversed the radicalism of post-punk. In "Amateur Academy" (1984), after moving to the RVC/Dear Heart record company, the band developed a post-modern world in the style of the Moonriders, with a sound that fused the digital and the physical and a symbolic title. In the same year, they moved to the newly established MIDI, but without releasing any works, they moved to Pony Canyon. Together with Yukihiro Takahashi, they established the T.E.N.T. label and released Animal Index (1985) and Don't Trust Over Thirty (1986), but at the same time as they closed the 10th anniversary of their debut, they went into a long hiatus. After that, each member pursued their own multifaceted activities as soloists, songwriters, and producers, but in the 1990s, the group reunited and made a complete comeback in 1991 with "The Last Supper," released by Toshiba EMI. After the release of "A.O.R." (1992), which highlighted the beauty of melody, the group moved to Funhouse in search of a new venue. In "reminiscence mode," he released "Beautiful Young Generation HIGH SCHOOL BASEMENT 1," a collection of covers, and "Le Cafe de la Plage," a collection of reggae-arranged self-covers (both in 1995), in rapid succession, but the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Aum Shinrikyo Incident, and other unsettling events in the world were also in full swing. In June 1995, when the world was in a state of unrest due to the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Aum Shinrikyo Incident, Masahiro Takekawa was involved in a hijacking incident. Therefore, "Night of the Moonriders" (1995) became a heavy work reflecting the atmosphere of the times. In 1996, the 20th anniversary of his debut, he produced "Bizarre Music For You" with various guests, and held a grand 20th anniversary concert. In 1998, he transferred to Cune, and for "Lunar Hymn," he entrusted the basic tracks to a variety of young artists, who arranged them freely. The band's "meaning" was questioned through the innovative method of asking young artists to arrange the basic tracks as they wished. In 2000, "Six musicians on their way to the last exit" was a collection of home recordings by each member. The album concluded the 20th century by questioning "what the band should be in the future" through the accumulation of individual work. Following the release of "Dire morons TRIBUNE" on Dream Machine in 2001, which showed the band's unique individuality and presence, the band established their own independent label, Moonriders Records, in 2004. The band consistently released a series of albums, including "P.W Babies Paperback" (2005), "MOON OVER the ROSEBUD" (2006), and "Tokyo7" (2009). Although things seemed to be going well from the outside, something happened here that no one expected. In November 2011, the band announced an indefinite hiatus. At the end of 2013, Tetsuro Kashibuchi passed away. After that, the band repeatedly revived and went on hiatus, causing fans to be both happy and sad, but in December 2021, at a public press conference after a live concert, Keiichi Suzuki declared that he would "continue the band for the rest of my life. The hiatus was lifted. In 2022, the band released its first album in 11 years, "It's the moooonriders. In February 2023, Toru Okada passed away. The album "Happenings Nine Months Time Ago in June 2022" was released in March 2023, containing the improvisation sessions before his death. Even as they approach the 50th anniversary of their debut, the band will not stop moving forward as they continue to explore new and unprecedented territory.